1. ever since i got cable in my apartment i am completely obsessed (in a bad way) to ESPN and Sportscenter. now that 101.1fm is ESPN radio i don't listen to music in my car, which serious depresses me....but i can't stop...ESPN radio is too good.
2. one of the things that frustrates me the most is when i not only get writer's block (writing song lyrics) but when i know without a doubt that i am in a funky plateau as a guitar player...probably frustrates me more than having writer's block.
3. i would love to write a song that people sing all the time throughout history. Like pretty much any of the Beatles songs...you know the ones they even play on Target commercials now??
4. I find it weird that when you own an animal you find that somehow it seems to have it's own personality that somehow reflects the family that owns it...
i.e. my dog Gizmo is absolutely crazy yet calm and loveable at the same time.
5. when i drive in my car and it's storming outside i either listen to Coldplay or jazz....coltrane or miles. the music seems to fit the weather.
6. when i first got an ipod i would listen to it as i was walking to class (in college) and could have sworn that my life actually had a soundtrack to it.
people walking behind me probably laughed when i "swaggered" if i was listening to rap, which wasn't often, but still, it probably made their day cause i'm so white.
7. i wish i could've seen stevie ray vaughan or jimi hendrix play live, and anyone who ever did, i hate you.
8. i hope that someday my sunburst G&L guitar looks as "played on" or "vintage," if you will, as stevie ray vaughan's Strat...you couldn't even tell that it used to have a sunburst finish on it. I want to play my guitar THAT much.

9. I really would like to write a book, but the thing that keeps me from starting are the fears that
1. no one would read it
2. i do not have the respected accalades for someone to care to publish it... or read it.
10. i laugh at my wife when she mispronounces words or phrases but does so in a way when she totally thinks she is pronouncing something the correct way...until i start laughing hysterically...i truly love her for it.
Sidenote: i find it odd that my wife does not check her email regularly, or have a facebook or myspace account.
11. My best friend is one of the most important people in my life and i truly consider him my brother, and i love the fact even when we haven't seen each other for awhile it never feels awkward.
12. i like knowing that internally it annoys said best friend above that i call him "Bradley" not "Brad" like everyone else. i really don't do it on purpose, it just comes out of my mouth that way.
13. i really hate not being able to keep in touch with people because of our ever-changing lives.
14. i have an unhealthy habit of listening to vocalists who are better singers than me, and trying to match my voice to be able to do all the crazy crap they do on certain songs.
15. i'm trying really hard to get into really good shape.
16. i love that fact that i get paid to do what i truly love...it's a good feeling.
17. i think i have an unhealthy addiction to new technology.
18. Though i get made fun of all the time for certain things i wear, i do truly love fashion and clothes, and kind of feel gay for just writing that.
19. why am i being this honest on this thing? maybe it qualifies as good therapy.
20. i hate my food mixing with other food on my plate.
21. i love my family (including my wife's family) more than just about anything.
Family is one of the most important things in my life; they've help mold me to who i am now.
22. i want to see as much of the world as i can. it's a beautiful place.
23. i don't read enough. i start a lot of books and never finish.
24. i love jamming with other musicians as well as seeing other artists create things with the gifts that God has given them...especially my Dad or my brother..i think they have great creative eyes and are wonderful artists, i wish i could draw like them.
25. i have a strong love for St. Louis and have often dreamed of being able to someday start a studio and/or record label that not only makes a difference in the world but also makes people have a healthy respect for St. Louis artists/musicians.
i guess i'm done :)
1. that pic of you and the beach...gay.
2. i hate the guitar funk, i'm always in it.
4.i think other people are supposed to pick out the traits that you and your dog share.
17.yes you do
20. i can see not wanting some thing to mix but other things are fine.
25.sounds familiar
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