
Daring to Love Like Jesus


Brad Nichols said...

This has been on my mind a lot. I suppose it's easy for the idea of love to get fuzzy when we ignore all the wonderful characteristics and virtues attached to its core. I've had difficulty loving the people who should be the easiest for me to love. I haven't been able to love my family in a variety of ways, but it is also because my own mind has stripped love from its proper context. I've forgotten patience and humility more than anything, and forgotten that these virtues must be exercised if I am ever going to keep love's definition intact as I live out my everyday life. I went to confession on Saturday. Obviously this was one of my most difficult obstacles. For my penance, my priest had me read the gospel reading out of our liturgy this week. It was St. John's account of Christ's call to His disciples. What struck me more than anything was the lack of speaking involved and the sacrifice taken by the disciples in simply following. Our conscience is not always in the wrong place, but our actions often fail to cohere with the demands of our conscience. Its amazing what we learn when we actually make a conscious effort to live out these simple virtues as our sacrifice to Christ. I think Balthasaar's quote from my last post would be relevant here: "the site from which love can be observed and generated cannot itself lie outside of love (in the '"pure logicity"' of so-called science); it can lie only there, where the matter itself lies–namely, in the drama of love."

Anonymous said...

Hi Brennan!
Just wanted to reach out and encourage you-I love your tokbox posts!
I'm normally on the computer at work, so it's not always easy for me to "talk". I figure there may be others like me... unable to leave lengthy comments. Please know my lack of commentting isn't a reflection on your topics~ Keep up the great work and God bless you!
Robin B

Starling Girl said...

Hey Brennan, you asked a pretty interesting question, one that really made me think. Love....loving someone unconditionally is so challenging these days. Of course, I love Scott and my kids but you know there are times where I'm so mad that love doesn't even come across, its invisible...so with that, I have some issues and I'm glad you mentioned "the Love Dare". It sounds like a book that maybe Scott and I should endure together and find out how we can enrich our marriage even more. Thanks!....yeah my thoughts are so scattered!