

So, I've written a post about this book before, but seriously, if you've ever felt like you have been called to do something great with your life (and in my opinion everyone has) then I would like to encourage you to pick up a copy of Erwin McManus' book Wide Awake. He has some great insight into dreams being realized and fulfilled. 
You see, I'm a dreamer. I have been my whole life. I can remember practically living in my own world throughout most of each day. And I'm not talking about having some sort of crazy ADD sort of thing. I was just a little boy who used his imagination quite often. It just so happens that I get to do that on a weekly basis now, as I dream, brainstorm, and develop creative ideas for worship services at my church. I find that it is a wonderful fit for who God has designed me to be. 
Have you ever felt that God was calling you to open your eyes in order to live out a dream that you've had for quite awhile? 
What is holding you back from pursuing that dream? 
I fully believe in the potential that I believe God has given everyone in order to further His Kingdom. In the book of 1 Corinthians (12:11-13), Paul writes to the dysfunctional Corinthian church and uses the analogy that we are all members of the same body. however, we are all a different part of the body. We have different functions, different gifts that God has given to us...different dreams. And it is imperative that we understand, assist, and aid each other in realizing that our dreams must align to the furthering of God's Kingdom. 
"Have you ever found it interesting that while our imagination is not limited, our thinking often is?" (paraphrased, Wide Awake, pg.5)" 
"What would the world look like if our best dreams became the world we lived in?" (pg.5) 
Interesting food for thought huh? There is a quote that is often associated with being said by James Dean: "Dream as though you'll live forever, live as though you'll die today." 
Live out your dreams. Live as though you aren't promised the next second, or minute or hour. As James wrote in the Bible, man is like a mist that is here today and gone tomorrow. We are not promised the next day. 
Dream wide awake. 


Kyle Reed said...

Good stuff. I like the McManus quote. I need to get that book and read it, along with several others.

I think along the lines of dreaming, fear plays a huge role in dreaming. People are afraid of failure, afraid of not getting what they want. As well, I think people, like myself, need something to complain about, like how life is not fair and if only I can do this or that then I would be happy.
A discussion that me and my dad have been having over the last several months has been over what makes you get up in the morning. One thing that I have learned is that if I have to look forward to something throughout the day then I will be disappointed. I use to do this a lot, getting excited about the first day of school, but then never being happy again until the last day, etc...
Very tough thing to do, finding meaning in your job. Looking pass all the crap that goes on and seeing the mission of God.

Brad Nichols said...

You know, there is a philosopher by the name of Jacques Maritain you might find very stimulating. He wrote much on Christian existentialism and the function of art and creativity as a fundamental expression of human divinity. When our imagination is occupied by images of the divine, we have a way of imprinting all of the Creation around us with an imprint of ex nihilo, a testimony to our aspired union with God Himself. It's a shame not enough hasn't been written on the topic. You picked a good one.

Anonymous said...

Hey B!
You know I love Erwin. He's the real deal! I love that he's written about having dreams and bringing them to life (for God's glory). As a Mom I find myself dwelling on my kids' dreams and what God has in store for their lives. So, living out my own dreams has not been something I've given much attention to. That needs to change. Thanks for your thoughts and the book suggestion. I'm "Wide Awake" now. :o)