
Rainy in the Lou

it's been pretty rainy out lately, which i won't complain about too much, because it is summer in St. Louis and it's often really hot and humid; so the rain cools things down a lot. and as the weather has a bittersweet feeling to it, so does my mind...or so it seems. 
see, lately i have been in the middle of changing jobs, ministries, and churches. kind of weird when one effects all three. does a little more to my emotional and spiritual than i would like it to. The church that my wife and i left was a great one. It's one of those churches that just feels like a family. i am really going to miss the people and staff there. 
But God leads us to places where He would have us to serve, and i really feel like the church that we are going to is going to be a great place for us to serve and do ministry. 

*on a side note, i don't really feel like blogging right now so that's all i'm going to write...'til lata. 

1 comment:

Steve - ShapingWorship.com said...

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