
RENOVATION of the Soul


it's a word that until recent pondering, i almost always associate with the rebuilding of a house or other structure. however, while recently driving to the church i was trying to think of a name by which to associate the worship ministry with. (let me add this disclaimer: worship ministries do not NEED a name for themselves. one could simply refer to the worship ministry as "the worship ministry" and it would suffice; this is not an attempt to be "relevant" or "postmodern," 'cause the town in which i work is very far away from being a cultural "postmodern" center.)
i started thinking of something to call the worship ministry, because in recent conversations with some of the members of the worship team, i realized that some, if not most of them, don't really think of the worship team as a ministry. the word ministry itself means to aid someone, or to serve in some way. but the feeling that i get is that some people (in the collective body of the church) act as though worship is, in some regards, a self-serving act. nothing could be further from the truth!!
worshipping God is not something that we do on sunday mornings, but something that we should do with every breath we take. playing an instrument on sunday mornings, and being up on stage, is not something to do for self-glorification or for self-satisfying reasons, but an act of service and worship to our God. (sometimes i wonder what is going through the minds of worship leaders at megachurches during a service)
my job as a worship leader is to help lead others to the throne of God through song and other art, but my job as a christian is to be willing to let God take my thoughts, words, and actions wherever He choses, and to give Him glory when He works through me to implement a RENOVATION in someone's life. so anyway, the name that God laid on my heart was the name Renovate, by which my church has started calling our worship ministry, because we wish to (by God's gracious movement) implement change in other's lives, so that the unbeliever might see, and the believer will continue to move along in his/her sanctification.


Anonymous said...

Out with the "old man" and in with the "new".

Great to see you on blogger!

Kyle Reed said...

I like the name, not as cool as something I would come up with but close as you can get.

Brad Nichols said...

Reeder, can you take Blue Like Jazz off of your favorite books list so I can put you on my links? I'm not a man of diversity, so my criteria is rather strict...

Kyle Reed said...

Write another freakin post