
Be Still

be still and know that I am God.

i drive too fast. i recently (two months ago) just got an 06 mazda 6 ...it's beautiful, but that is besides the point. i drive a lot, and with recently starting at a new job in Union, MO (i live in the Saint Louis area), i drive a whole lot. i often find myself rushing a lot. the other day i was driving to Union, 53 miles away from my house, and i started thinking about how much we rush through our lives. this can be taken in many different ways, but the point that i am getting at is that we never seem to relax. as a matter of fact, we have to fit it into our schedule to go on vacation...the rest of the time we rush through everything.
as a Christian, i know that i don't often take the time to be still and spend time in study and prayer, or simply just listening for God to speak to me...in any way. it has become our habit to go through life as fast as we can, perhaps to do as many things as possible in the duration of our lives, because if we think about it (and i am convinced that we all do), we all know that we will die someday. no one denies that, so many people consciously or subconsciously try to cram as many things as possible into their everyday.
i encourage everyone (including myself) to try to be quiet, be still, and take in what's around you. enjoy the life God gave you and seek Him in all that you do, because He IS the hope we have, and He comforts those who seek Him.

1 comment:

Brad Nichols said...

Amen buddy... Couldn't be said in a more wise or simple manner. His creation is good.