Regrettably, whenever i tend to write on my blog, it always seems to be at least a month after my last post. Anyway, life has been pretty crazy lately. Not that anyone else's life isn't crazy, but Natalie and I have both been getting used to new jobs, and that seems to have put more on our plates, because we both strive to succeed and do the best that we can in our vocations. and on that note, we are both really excited about our new jobs and love them very much.
On another note, lately I've been flipping back and forth between a couple of book that I'm trying to quickly finish (to move on to other books that I would like to read as well), and thought they are noteworthy of putting a little plug about in my blog.
Crazy Love by Francis Chan is the first book that I started reading. It's a really easy read for those who tend to just read stuff at face value and don't pursue a challenge of the intellect, soul, and heart. The first two chapters have been pretty redundant to those who are well along in their faith, however, in a way that I can't really describe, Chan challenges the reader to really take into consideration things that we, often times, just callously say that we believe. Perhaps it's just me, and it's just the place that I am in spiritually, but this book has been very challenging to me as a person who has grown up in a Protestant Evangelical Church my entire life.

The other book that I've been starting to read is called Wide Awake by Erwin McManus. I'm still too soon into the book to really give a good "review" on it, but so far it seems like a good read. The introduction and first chapter have really just posed the challenge that often times we just settle for things in life instead of actually trying to fulfill and carry out a calling that God has laid on our hearts.
So far, I would recommend these books for anyone, and I'm looking forward to hearing any sort of good books that you guy's are reading right now.